Nikon 24 AF-D Loose Barrel : LUSENET : Camera Equipment : One Thread

Hello Fellow photographers,

I recently purchased a new 24mm AF-D. While shooting this past weekend with the camera mounted on a tripod and using a Nikon polarizing filter, I noticed considerable movement in the lens barrel. When I would adjust the polarizing filter, I could see the image in the view finder moving up and down in relation to the filter adjustment. Upon further inspection, I noticed the barrel will also move front to back and side to side.

Has anyone noticed this looseness in their 24mm AF-D lenses. I have not developed the 5 rolls of film yet, but if it is a problem, I need to return it to B&H asap.

I also did a search on and found a similar thread, but it related to the front to back movement of the lens barrel and associated "clicking noises". I am iterested in the movement that causes the image in the view finder to change.

Many thanks,


-- John Purdy (, July 06, 1999


The barrel should not have any play in it! I'd send it back to B&H

-- Jim Bridges (, July 09, 1999.

I bought one of these yesterday, and it has NO barrel play in any axis; send it back.

-- Bruce Rubenstein (, July 10, 1999.

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