Is "Andy Ray" Mr. Decker? : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) Forum Moderators : One Thread

I'd already read one or two people suggesting that "Andy Ray" is Mr. Decker, but I really didn't give it much thought. Today I saw this, though...

One cannot blame Mr. Yourdon. He has a family to feed, and he received quite a bit of sensationalist/tabloid press with his Timebomb book. He will probably have to change his name and/or start a completely new company, or work for someone else after 000101. I suppose his minions will find some other cause to which to cling; and have suggested they pick one that either does not have a fixed date attached or that has a corresponding date well into the future.

Alas, they are undone because nothing happened 990701...and it bodes not well for their ever-unravelling cause...

Regards, Andy Ray

-- Andy Ray (, July 04, 1999.

It sounds a lot like Decker to me.

-- Anonymous, July 04, 1999



Ol Git thinks he is. She's working on the research. Decker's very consistent about "how" he posts here (with a couple exceptions). But he's flubbed up over at De Bunker. Looks like "Andy Ray" may have used here, what Decker uses over there.


-- Anonymous, July 05, 1999


A Decker trademark.

-- Anonymous, July 05, 1999

Fuel for thought: This is from "Andy's" private little thread about his chip theory:

<<...well, I was just trying to help. I admit I am disappointed - I really believed you people actually knew something about this stuff; the way you sound so cocksure about it. I suppose the drivelling responses will continue, but I don't suppose I will see a manufacturer, IC part number, test procedures, and application/platform list.

Stephen Poole was right about you all along - you are merely gossips with no facts.

Disappointed though proven correct, Andy Ray

-- Andy Ray (, July 06, 1999.


This was all just a little game by Andy Ray. Here is what he posted on the Debunking forum:

They cannot produce the evidence

Tuesday, 06-Jul-1999 20:51:37 writes:

A thread I started at the Y2K Hysterium:

One Chip

I asked the people at the hysterium to supply some independently verifiable results.

Regards, Andy Ray

Andy Ray

-- thought (you@should.know), July 06, 1999. >>

in there, most significantly, he includes this id:

" writes:

A thread I started at the Y2K Hysterium: "

-- Anonymous, July 06, 1999

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