Can I digitize negs and slides with Coolpix 950? : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

Considering the macro ability of the coolpix 950 and as I have a large quantity of negatives (color and bw) and slides,I was wondering if I could duplicate them for small digital prints (up to 5x7)or web publishing. Has anyone tried to do this? If so, with what equipment and whith what quality results?

-- Yiannis Yiatilis (, July 04, 1999


Phil Askey did a goofy experiment with a toilet-paper tube with a slot cut in it at the right distance, for the film/slide to go through. It worked! I don't know where he has it on is site, but it should still be there. http://photo.askey.n

-- Dave Etchells (, July 04, 1999.

Of course you can! My coolpix is on a small table-top tripod parked on a 8x10" lightbox. The camera is aimed straight down and a slide is positioned by looking at the LCD viewfinder. The 950 can go so close as to crop the original slide. For negatives I use a negative carrier from my enlarger. White light balance should be done on the light source only (before each session) with no slide in place. When copying negatives, the white balance should be done with a blank negative in the light path. The amber should be mostly gone when looking at your LCD. Revversal of the neg and removal of any color shifts can be done afterwards in Imaging software. Keep the room lights off as to prevent you photographing your self or the camera reflections from the surface of the slide and negative. Good luck, Rinus

-- Rinus Borgsteede (, July 13, 1999.

Thanks for the help guys, both ways deserve a try. As I have the necesary equipment I 'll try the "Rinus way" first.For those who want to go the "goofy" way Phil Askey has all the info in the URL e.htm When I 'll have the first results I'll inform you.

-- Yiannis Yiatilis (, July 13, 1999.

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