Compression rate of Kodak DC260/DC265 : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

The new Kodak DC265 has a fourth lower compression rate for higher quality of the pictures. Can i get this for my Kodak DC260? (P.e. to use the firmware update of the DC265 for my DC260?)

-- Helmut Conrad (, July 04, 1999


Not sure, but AFAIK, the lower compression isn't available as a firmware upgrade.

-- Dave Etchells (, July 08, 1999.

I don't think you can use the firmware update for the 265 on your 260. In fact, I would be very cautious about trying, I am not sure those things can be undone once they are done.

I would suggest contacting Kodak directly on your question. I have done this before and gotten fast and helpful answers.

Good Luck!

-- Jim McCarthy (, July 23, 1999.

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