Compact Flash Cards for the Coolpix 950 : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I have recently acquired a Nikon Coolpix 950 and there seems to be some discussion here in the UK as to which CF cards actually work best or well or at all in the 950.

My cheapest supplier assures me that the 4x, 8 x Lexar cards are the ones to go for as the others - Mistubishi and Sandisk - don't work. Nikon UK of course won't be drawn into this and say their CF cards are the ones to use.

Would be interested to hear what experience you or your readers have in this field as we in the UK are a few weeks or more behind you.


Mark Hanna

-- Mark Hanna (, July 04, 1999


Well, if SanDisk cards don't work with the 950 then either I've been on an extended LSD trip for the past 30 days and only 'believe' that the SanDisk cards I use on a daily basis capture wonderful images...or I've been abord a UFO and have experienced the last month via an alien designed virtual-reality system playing a version of the universe where SanDisk cards DO work! :)

All kidding aside...The DO work. period.

In fact, did Nikon mention exactly WHO makes their CF cards for them?

Let me give you a HINT.....

It starts with 'S' and ends with 'K'... :)


-- andy (, July 04, 1999.

I have the 48 mb CF card from simple technology and it works beautifully with the CoolPix950. I think those folks just want you to spend your hard earned money on their products rather than others.


-- Jason Tang (, July 16, 1999.

I have been using the Simple Technology 48 meg compact cards in the Coolpix 950 with excellent results. With the PCMCIA adapter, I just plug into the Compat Card into the adapter, slide it into the PCMCIA card slot on my Dell laptop and can quickly view the images with an image viewing software. Regards, Bruce Sinclair

-- bruce sinclair (, July 18, 1999.

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