Need your inputs for translation request for Embedded Systems Fault Casebook (May 1999) : LUSENET : Electric Utilities and Y2K : One Thread

From Paula Gordon:
There are around 60 categories of cases involving embedded systems faults in The Institution of Electrical Engineers' (IEE) Embedded Systems Fault Casebook (May 1999) at the following site (about 60 different categories). From Flint
For maximum effectiveness, this material should probably be made available in quite a few different languages. Do you know if it is?
From Paula
Hi Critt,

David Spinks told me about the IEE work. He can be reached at (David |Spinks). He spoke last week at the UN sessions for national Y2K coordinators.

Hope this helps.

From David

When compiling the case book the objective and sponsorship by the UK government was focused on a UK distribution.

I'm sure if you felt the information would be useful in different languages then the World Bank would be most interested.

One of my clients "Sykes" has a facility in Colorado which specialises in such translations.

Please let me know if I can be of any help or assistance.

OK, now it's your turn. Tell me what's the big deal about having this thing translated?

Post a response, or send an email.

They will be incorporated into the formal request which I will post Sunday, July 11th.



-- Anonymous, July 03, 1999

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