about gobbles

greenspun.com : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread

Hello... I am now back from hospital... thankyou for all your emails and ICQ messages...I will answer them as I can...depends on when I get on the computer...still attending a day program at the hospital so it might take some time... hope things are well with everyone... take care HUGS gobbles/Honeyeater

-- gobbles/Honeyeater (gobbles2@hotmail.com), July 03, 1999


Yippeeeee we have all been so worried and now we can relax I am glad your home and hope to see you in the room

-- jamais1 (jamais@airmail.net), July 03, 1999.

Gobbles i hope the things that put you there have lightened enough for you to see how much we have missed you. very happy to have you back Lady.

-- R.C. (sparklz101@hotmail.com), July 05, 1999.

I know I already e-mailed you but I just had to add a public "yee haw!" and welcome back!

-- Laighe of the Limberlost (laighe@excite.com), July 06, 1999.

Wow...you are all over the place. Found this in D'Avinci's Exile....LOL

See how so many love you and care for you. Remember...others 'care'....but many don't know how to show it.

Just be your great self, precious... Unc

-- Ray (bronco@netnitco.net), July 13, 1999.

Great to have you home hun. But please get really well now cause we love you. Danni and Phoenix

-- Danni (msimmons1@home.net), July 15, 1999.

Chin up an best wishes, hope all goes well and your back bouncing round VP soon.

-- JAIZEE (JAIZEE@EXCITE.COM), July 16, 1999.

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