Minox 35 lens cleaninggreenspun.com : LUSENET : Minox Photography : One Thread |
I recently picked up a Minox GT. On reading the manual under "Camera Care", I noticed that it says not to use cleaning solutions (ie: lens fluid)on the lens. Why? I have always used lens tissue and lens fluid on all my 35mm lenses, especially to remove fingerprints, etc.
-- Tim Whalen (whalenm@ix.netcom.com), July 01, 1999
Tim, I don't use lens fluid to clean my lenses anymore, because lens fluid may seep into the interior of lens.Instead, now I use LENSPEN to clean all my camera lenses, including Minox 35mm lenses.
At one end of LENSPEN is a brush to brush off debris or dust on lens, then use a soft leather pad with lens cleaning compound one the other end.
LENSPEN is very effective in removing smudges on lens.
-- martin tai (martin.tai@capcanada.com), July 01, 1999.