Fuji DX-10 SmartMedia

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I have a Fuji DX-10 and looking for SmartMedia cards. Should I buy the Fuji brand as recommended or will other brands work just as well. Looking for 4 or 8mb 3.3v. Have seem memory advertised much cheaper than the Fuji brand. Are they as reliable as the Fuji?

-- Jim Tansey (tanseyj@theriver.com), June 27, 1999


Fuji probably won't appreciate me saying so, but there really shouldn't be any noticeable difference. In point of fact, all SmartMedia cards on the market are made either by Toshiba or Samsung, and just labeled for various other companies. (At least, AFAIK: I've seen one 32-meg card with a slightly different package design, but it also worked fine in several different cameras.) The only difference in any cards is that Olympus writes some special data to their cards that enable certain functions (mainly panorama exposure modes) on their cameras. Their cards work fine in other cameras, and other cards in theirs, but you don't get the panorama functions from third-party cards in Olympus cameras. As for the Fujis though, there should be no difference at all, regardless o

-- Dave Etchells (web@imaging-resource.com), July 05, 1999.

Hi Jim, for what its worth, I recently purchased the same model Fuji camera from State Street Discount, and in the package was included an extra 8mg Smartmedia from another mfr, so evidently they think it works. the package also included rechargeable batteries w/charger, and a mail nocharge coupon for a floppy adaptor. They're at ssdonline.com, and have an 800# Incidentally, my cost was less than 350,inc/overnight delivery. goodluck, Dale

-- Dale S Johnson (dsbajohnson@earthlink.com), July 04, 1999.

Ooh! - If you do buy from ssdonline, click-through from one of their ads on our site to get to theirs: We don't make any extra $$ that way, but it helps convince the advertisers that their ads here really do work! - Than

-- Dave Etchells (detchells@imaging-resource.com), July 05, 1999.

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