Aeon Movie - coming : LUSENET : Aeon Flux : One Thread |
Aeon Flux old-timer Evan provides some welcome up-to-date facts on the Aeon Flux movie at
-- Philip Mills (, June 26, 1999
Chung gets to write the script? Thank GOD. I'm still skeptical, though... putting something as non-mainstream as Fon Flux in the hands of Hollywood bigwigs could lead to a lot of compromises...
-- Spofforth (, June 28, 1999.
I'm curious: Did Chung have a hand in any of The Herodotus File, i.e. did he condone the whole Berognica idea? Else, this film will be his interpretation of someone else's interpretation of his interpretations - eek!
-- Philip Mills (, June 29, 1999.
Oop! According to Stay Tooned (today's update) there isn't going to be any movie after all...?
-- Spofforth (, June 30, 1999.
Oh bugger. :-(
-- Philip Mills (, July 03, 1999.
all I am saying is a movie would be cool, however it would be live which in my opinion would never be as cool as the animation!
-- Emily (, July 07, 1999.
It would have been nice to see an Aeon movie but you have to look at other animations which have turned to live films. What if it ended up being another Spawn?
-- Commander Blood (, July 07, 1999.
Hey guys...think about it...if Peter Chung is behind it and some great computer animations...I think this could work! Gte someone like Kate Ann Moss from The Matrix or Milla from the Fifth Element would work well. Has anyone heard of anything recent about a AeonFlux movie?
-- Aeon Flux (, January 08, 2000.
ANGELINA JOLIE is the perfect flux, i still insist
-- scarlett (, December 28, 2000.