Pepco Compliant : LUSENET : Electric Utilities and Y2K : One Thread

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Please read this as I cannot copy it. 4% embedded system failure in generating systems alone. That seems quite high.

-- Anonymous, June 25, 1999


4% is well within the expected failure rate of 2-5% which has been repeated for years.

-- Anonymous, June 26, 1999

Just for clarification. We aren't using the term "compliant" in regard to any power companies, are we? Isn't the statement "ready" as far as they will go? I think we all agree, or I hope so, that they all admit that there will be *some* non-compliant areas in all businesses, just hopefully not in any mission critical areas.

-- Anonymous, June 26, 1999


The actual article says "ready". I don't think Mike meant to misrepresent, but Compliant/Ready are terms often used interchangebly, even though they are mean different things.

-- Anonymous, June 27, 1999


I should have typed "Ready" instead of "Compliant". My mistake. It would seem that compliant is no longer deemed possible. Most are dealing with mission critical systems(to be self-defined) so the companies cannot reach compliance. IMHO "ready" is not good enough but at this point I will accept positive news of any spin.


4% failure was the rate accepted for a long time but in the past 6 months or so that figure has been reduced to under 1% in many reports. If the 4% rate is still accepted, then there will be little gas or oil available to the utilities for fuel.

-- Anonymous, June 27, 1999

You guys need to read the article more carefully. It is not talking about failure rates. It merely says that of the 2,532 "critical" components, which contained embedded chips, 4% required upgrading. This is in paragraph 8 of the Reuters article dated 6/23/99.

-- Anonymous, June 30, 1999

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