Sunday is my : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread |
Well I leave for basic training on Monday morning. So Sunday will be the last time for me to see all of you for the next 9 weeks, at least. I hope to see all of you before then.
-- _Elesar_ (, June 25, 1999
Sorry I missed you Elesar! I came to Exile to wish you luck, tonight - Sunday night, and so far I haven't seen you... Anyway, Good Luck and hurry back!
-- Laighe of the Limber lost (, June 27, 1999.
El, Im sorry I missed you! Damnit! I wish you all the luck! Who is gonna be in exile to watch my AV fashion shows late at night? Be well lil moth!Hugs and Kisses
-- Shelby (, June 28, 1999.
Hey!! good fortune on your training. I may be able to get that corner back noqw....hehehe Con and I hopw to see you before you go , but if not....we wish you all the best.
-- Ladyhawk7 (, July 01, 1999.