This site may have been compromised : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) Forum Moderators : One Thread

For the last ten days or so I've had a growing suspicion that someone on the mod forum is passing info to Mutha, or IS Mutha posing as a GI, who is feeding Paul Davis. I may be wrong about the player but I don't think I'm wrong about the leak. I'm 85% sure. Now this appears on BFI:

1315. This will make you plotz - TB2000 MODERATORS GROUP?, Jun 21, 14:56 2. I don't know about anyone else, but this bothers me. by Paul Davis, Jun 21, 21:23

The first post shows the list of Greenspun sites, the second contans this:

The idea that a private, password protected, by invitation only forum is needed to MODERATE ANOTHER FORUM seems terribly excessive. What the hell do you need to discuss after you set a policy? The only thing I can think of would be for them to be deciding which old threads to delete. That is going to be funny - I think I understand pretty well how that software is put together now, and I don't think a link to a thread will be broken by 'deleting' the thread. I think it just takes the thread off the menu listing.

This is the only post I've made to the mod forum and it will be the last.

-- Anonymous, June 22, 1999


Well, all this post shows is that he she they have gone to the master forum list and found one titled Timebomb 2000 moderators forum under "Private Forums", and then extrapolated to what was said.


-- Anonymous, June 22, 1999

I think the existence of this forum is no secret -- but I haven't seen anything that suggests anyone not originally listed has access to it. By now enough has been said here to provide Davis, Mutha, et al., had they access, with plenty of grounds for frothing at the mouth. Yet they haven't done so, any more than usual, that is.

I agree with Chuck's appraisal. So far. (Always the hedger...)

-- Anonymous, June 22, 1999


I haven't seen any evidence of it either. As Chuck says, if you go to the greenspun bb link at... bboard/

You'll see it obviously listed as "Private."

That said, I can always change the password and reissue.

Yes? No?


-- Anonymous, June 22, 1999

I think it might be a good idea to change the password just in case.


-- Anonymous, June 22, 1999

If there's a mole here, changing the password seems futile.

-- Anonymous, June 22, 1999

I'll do it and see what happens. Expect an "e" soon.


-- Anonymous, June 23, 1999

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