How do I make selectable chapters on a VCD? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
I'm trying to make a Karaoke VCD with multiple chapters, selectable by pressing the number buttons on the remote. I have the clips recorded in Mpg format, and they are Video CD compliant. I am using Easy Video Creator, but can't figure out how to do it. Can someone help me out? Thanks
-- Rob (, June 21, 1999
try a program called Cequadrant videopack 4.0
-- Mr VCD (, July 13, 1999.
You can generate menu-driven VCDs with Easy CD Creator Deluxe 3.0+. The documentation is worthless; I had to mess with it to figure it out. Use the Wizard and you can figure it out. Basically, the START_SEQUENCE is the track that will automatically play when you begin playing the VCD. Then you can set up a menu using a .mpg clip with the choices on screen as the background. Then you set up play sequences for each menu choice. These play sequences can contain one or more tracks. Works fine, it's just tricky to figure out how to do it from the poor documentation and online help. (Funny, the online help simply says to follow the online help instructions!)Kevin
-- Kevin (, July 19, 1999.
Hi Kevin,Like Rob, I also would like to burn Karaoke VCD where a song number can be selected (in any order) from the VCD player's remote control unit. Up to now, most people seemed able to burn VCD where all songs play in one sequence only, i.e. starting song number 1 and ending with the last song number X.
In other words, we would like to be able to create and burn several tracks onto a certain folder of a CD-R disc.
Sorry to bother you with these questions:
1) Will Easy CD Creator VERSION 3.01a be suitable?
2) Do you use Adaptec's Easy CD Creator or Adaptec's Video CD Creator?
3) Please give us some tips on the process.
-- Tomo (, July 21, 1999.