Where can I find this file Scsi1hlp.vxd to play SVCD on my PC?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Tomo mentioned a fix for playing the new SVCD format on a PC. Dated June 7, 1999.

"Just lately, I found that if I put Scsi1hlp.vxd file in folder C:\windows\system\iosubsys\ and then do a reboot, I will be able to play most .dat files from a vcd placed in a rom drive. I use Xing 3.30 in Windows 98."

Where is this file?

-- Bong (bong@worldnet.att.net), June 20, 1999


Use PowerDVD($45.00 for the download) to open the MPEG2 file and view it on your PC.

-- Will Shakes (soldier0081@hotmail.com), June 21, 1999.

Bong, this "could be a fix for your problem" is supposed to enable you to play VCD type .dat files only - not SVCD files. I'll email you a copy of Scsi1hlp.vxd when I've learn how to do it. This file could be a Windows 95 or 98, Adaptec Easy CD or a Xing 3.30 file. It resided in my PC untill I was advised by a NET article to remove it if I were to use NERO burning program without troubles. However, when I removed the file, all my VDC players will refuse to play VCD .dat files, unless I've put this file back. Can anyone out there explain what this file Scsi1hlp.vxd does?

-- Tomo (ong@worksafe.wa.gov.au), June 21, 1999.

Do have a read of the article that states "You need SCSI1HLP.VXD if you want to play Video CDs from an IDE device". To get there is by surfing to "http://www.surfsolutions.com/cdrinfo/", then select subject "TIPS", then select topic "Integration between CDR software" and then read the part on "Nero". Funny thing is my old computer Intel 133 & Pentium 166 has not got this file and yet plays Video CDs. You should seek the help the author of the above statement.

-- Tomo (ong@worksafe.wa.gov.au), June 21, 1999.

Can you send me a "scsi1hlp.vxd" file ?

-- Mario (Mario_Bosancic@hotmail.com), October 29, 2003.

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