Ninja Scroll : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
Dear Anyone, Do you know where I can find the Ninja Scroll Vcd? I am very interested in the movie and would like to purchase a copy. Please email me if you know of such a place that sells the Vcd or if you have the Vcd and would like to sell it.
-- James Ruvio (, June 19, 1999
Movie is too old and rare. I purchased a few Ninja Scroll and Ghost In The Shell VCDS for my shop last year. Sold them all. Best place for those films is EBay. Check periodically and they will get it in. For my shop and me personally (I just bought a DVD/VCD Player, Region- Less of course) I get the DVD versions since they are much better quality plus a lot of bonus features, including an English subtitle. NOTE: IF YOU ONLY UNDERSTAND ENGLISH THE VIDEO CD WILL BE CONFUSING AS IT IS ONLY AVAILABLE IN SPOKEN JAPANESE WITH CHINESE SUBTITLES.There is another me to find out(this does not deal with piracy).
-- Will Shakes (, June 21, 1999.
Try but beware there is a lot of Japanese Animation available on VCD from them so you have to spend some time looking.
-- T (, June 21, 1999.
I also have a copy which i pruchased from
-- Stefan (, July 19, 1999.
damn, that post was made a long time ago. and yes, i did get the dvd back in the day...
-- james ruvio (, April 23, 2004.