Meeting Notes from Bay Area Y2K Organizers Meeting : LUSENET : NeighborLink : One Thread

The following notes were taken from a recent meeting of Y2K Organizers throughout the Bay Area and surrounding counties. This group emerged following an event called "Y2K Around the Bay" in February. The group is dedicated to linking the resources of the various regional Y2K efforts in order to share ideas, provide support and exchange resources and information.

Bay Area Y2K Representatives Meeting Oakland, Saturday, June 12, 1999 Cafi de la Paz, 1900 Shattuck Avenue

What would make it worthwhile for you to continue coming to these meetings? Top two reasons: 1. Sharing what's real for you about personal, practical, spiritual, and community-level. 2. Develop and do activities, projects, and living structures that support resilience in the bay area.

Possible Group Projects: Develop post-Y2Kstrategies (after Jan.1) How do we get around the desire of the major food manufacturers to prevent ANY change in food-buying habits? (Connect directly with local farmers) Rosa will forward the post with the specifics. Waste Management is already a serious problem Group Alignment Funding for contingency planning Community conversations. Clinton or Gore may join a large, well-publicized CC in Oakland with Mayor Brown. At the same time "we activists" could have our own CCs and ride the coattails of publicity. Steve Costa -- "Oakland - Sharing the Vision" has a "Sustainability group. i.e. "Training for trainers" Can we organize a "spiritually aligned" group to accomplish a "practical" goal?

Resources: Web site, email list, co-intelligence group processes

Web Notes: Besides the basic email mailing list, the web site includes: Calendar (includes automatic reminder notices) Use the links in the informational email messages to check out the web site.

Suggestion for naming new "Y2K" groups: Consider NOT focusing on Y2K, but rather use simply "neighborhood group" or "resilient community", etc. This might prevent your group from being unfairly marginalized in the local media. Generally, people don't seem to want to be associated with a "Y2K group".

Meg Wheatley with Fritjof Capra Report: The mechanistic paradigm is dead, but no one is recognizing it. How can we help to catalyze awareness?

As promised to Tom and Kali, here is the link to an amazing study of Y2K potentials by the Navy War College. It's long and complex with lots of charts and graphs with good explanations of everything.

-- Daren Henderson (, June 18, 1999

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