Does any know where else I can get all Region : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
Does any know where I can get all Region DVD other than It seem they have limited titles. Does anyone knows the quality of all Region DVD?
-- Vm (, June 14, 1999
Try but remember that very few major studios make thier movies regionless. Warner Bros. who handles Europe and Asia Disney Cartoon distribution stamps a region on it. The only regionless english movies are the classic films which again are 1_33:1 ratio, no bonus material, no 16x9 HDTV enhancement, and dual sided. The discs are Laser Disc Quality Video and Video CD Quality Sound. I have seen these movies in stores in the US(Chinatown). They are very good but have static menus(pick the subtitles or scenes) and movies like the Sound of Music and Ben Hur have to be flipped over to watch the rest of the movie. you may be better off waiting for the US releases. Example: since Ben Hur is an MGM release and 20th Century Fox will distribute it, the bonus materials will be better plus the movie will be a widescreen, 16x9 HDTV enhanced version, and Hi-Def transfer. Plus the movie will be single sided and dual layed for better quality video and sound.
-- The Lone ranger (, June 14, 1999.