I got a question about Gun Dealer (I don't play it, but it involves %'s)greenspun.com : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread |
You know, I don't play Gun Dealer, nor do I want to because I'm not a card gamer, but I have this question: Everytime I go to the leaderboard, it says the games "gundealr" and "gundeala" are incompatible with the percentage system. Out of curiousity, how WOULD you get these games to work, eh? If you're sorting by stages, it wouldn't work because of the sub-stage stuff. I'd like to see a tad more accurate scoring (only two places will probably be changed, but it's still going to curb the errors), so I'd sorta like to see every game compatible with the system. Anyways, how could you get it to work with percentages?
-- Sports Dude (shyboy820@aol.com), June 13, 1999
There is a solution : as each level has 3 rounds it isn't necessary to enter the number of the level but only the number of the roundFor exemple my actual best score (11-32) would become 32 And if you want the number of the level you can get it by this formula : level = 1 + int(round:3)
-- Phil Lamat (plamat@club-internet.fr), July 07, 1999.