Anybody listening to APEC, verrrry interesting??? : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

The station with the financial news had APEC on TV a few min., ago. I only heard the last part, but what I heard was interesting. It was a paid program all about Y2K. Koskinen was on, with a group of Japanese financial leaders. Did anyone else see this?

-- gilda (, June 13, 1999


Gilda, was it Bloomberg?

-- Gayla Dunbar (, June 13, 1999.


I wonder if it's related in some way to the announcement of the results of this partial test: 19990612&qt=japan*+bank*+%22year+2000% 22+&sv=IS&lk=noframes&col=NX&kt=A&ak=news1486

"Banks Worldwide Make Confident Y2K Test Leap"

-- Linkmeister (, June 13, 1999.

CNBCAsia ran this program last sunday morning. I bought a tape especially to tape it so I could report to the forum what it was all about. Then I forgot all about it. Never saw it. Sorry, me stupid.

-- number six (, June 13, 1999.

Yes, it was on CNBC, the financial station. I looked in our TV guide for the Midwest, and all it says is Paid Program. I was hoping someone had seen the whole thing as we only caught the last few minutes. One Japanese fellow was speaking about how they used four digits instead of two, and therefore are ahead of the U. S. in remediation. I may not have said that exactly, but that was the gist of it. Most Paid Programs are selling gadgets, not information.

-- gilda (, June 13, 1999.

"Most Paid Programs are selling gadgets, not information."

Gilda, this program was paid for by the Government of Japan! Did they do it with an infomercial format? (Visions of Japanese suits straddling absurd exercise equipment)

-- number six (, June 13, 1999.

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