How is the quality of Classic DVD at : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I was interested in ordering "The Fall of the Roman Empire". I'm not sure about the quality or sharpness of the picture. Has anyone ordered this title? I have the VHS version of this movie and I'm not sure whether I should order this if the quality is the same.

-- Sue (, June 11, 1999


All DVD denoted as Classic are from China. A Chinese distributor who bought the rights to several classif films and musicals transfered the films to DVD. As far as I know the quality is much better than thier VHS conuterparts but few if any bonus features exist on these discs. Also they are mostly 1.33:1 Ratio or full screen with no widescreen or 16 x 9 enhancement.

-- The Lone Ranger (, June 11, 1999.

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