Westover Ga.

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread

I've seen and photographed Central 40'boxcars with a "Return to Westover Ga. when empty" stencil. I'm wondering if anyone knows what industry these cars were earmarked for? Todd Horton

-- Todd Horton (Centga@aol.com), June 09, 1999


Steve, any idea what year this industry was built? Todd Horton

-- Todd Horton (Centga@aol.com), February 06, 2002.

Todd, Westover was the Proctor and Gamble plant not Continental Can. It was located at MP D122.8.

-- steve riley (jriley1002@aol.com), February 06, 2002.

Todd, I am working from a 35 year memory but I believe it was Contintental Can Co. near Augusta. I worked as operator in the Yard at Augusta in the mid 60's. I am not sure about the CCC but I am sure that it is in the Augusta area.

-- Steve Riley (jriley1002@aol.com), March 02, 2001.

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