I finaly did itgreenspun.com : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread |
Well tommorow June 10, at 11am MST I get my deploma.
-- _Elesar_ (_Elesar_@excite.com), June 09, 1999
Well it is official I have graduated, and have my diploma.
-- _Elesar_ (_Elesar_@excite.com), June 10, 1999.
I am very Proud of you congradulations
-- jamais1 (jamais@airmail.net), June 10, 1999.
-- gobbles (gobbles2@hotmail.com), June 11, 1999.
Congrats...Job well done! Hugs!
-- Shel (Shelbyx@email.msn.com), June 11, 1999.
Awesome! You have opened up many doors!! I wish you success and I am sure it will be yours. -Buddy
-- buddym (benmcfarlane@hotmail.com), June 11, 1999.
hey hey! way to go!(jumping up and down)
-- Da' wash (KFGJokerDOC@worldnet.att.net), June 13, 1999.
Gee, Elesar, I tried to send you a graduation card twice from Blue mountain Arts and so far I can't get your e-mail address to work with the _'s or without them. Dang... Anyhow Congratulations!!!
-- Laighe of the Limberlost (laighe@excite.com), June 13, 1999.
Whaey! Turn ze volume up! Turn it all the the way up 360! I wish I cuold do things like that. I'm far too busy living in an entirely theoretical world, trying to return to Catamine and wondering what life support feels like. Enough of that. Landen Almaty! (zat means congratulations)Doran
-- Doran Pascart 'The Exile' (Hlowe73489@aol.com), June 14, 1999.