Burning VCD with menues

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I'm currently trying to burn Karaoke VCDs that have menues that allow the user to select the songs. I have the songs (as .mpg) and the menues (as .dat) on my HD. The menue .dat files have to be stored in the "segment" folder. The problem is that the recording soft (WinOnCD 3.5) creates the directory structure including the "segment" folder and does not allow me to put anything into it :-( If you have managed to burn VCDs with menues please answer and tell me which software will do it. Thanks.

-- Jeroen van Kempen (JvanKempen@gmx.net), June 09, 1999


Use VideoPak4. It has excellent menu editing features. WinOnCD is only good for VCD's that play straight through.

-- Sean (sean@magnuminvestments.com), June 10, 1999.

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