Good News!! : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread |
Thanks to everyone who caught me online and asked about my friend. Your thoughts and prayers have certainly kept me from going insane!My friend is back at home (a day early even) and is doing quite well considering. Upon the results the day of surgery, nothing drastic was done.....they are going the route of medication first to see if that can overcome the problem before they continue with more invasive techniques.
Again....I thank each and everyone of you for your concern and friendship. It truly means a great deal to me.
-- SunflowerGirl1 (, June 07, 1999
So happy hon! :))) HUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG to both of you...and keep us informed!
-- gobbles (, June 10, 1999.
Good to hear sun!!
-- buddym (, June 11, 1999.
I'm so happy to hear that sunny! I think that it's really great that you took as much time as you did with this mystery person it shows that net friendships DO mean something eh?
-- Megiano (, June 15, 1999.
Thanks again for everyone's best mystery to my friend really....just that they dont use VPlaces so no one on this board would know who they are.
And you are SO friends DO MEAN ALOT. A HELL OF A LOT. Anybody who says otherwise is full of crap. And you can tell them I said so!!!
-- SunflowerGirl1 (, June 15, 1999.