ff, rev, slow mo. and other features? How?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I've been able to capture, encode, and burn several VCDs now that work in my DVD player, but I am only able to play tracks from begining to end. Fast forward, reverse, slow motion, etc. do not work on the CD's i've made. Commercial VCDs have these features.

How can I enable these features on my home made VCDs?

-- Sean (sean@magnuminvestments.com), June 06, 1999


What program are you using to make the cds?

-- 111 (111@aol.com), June 07, 1999.

Adaptec VCD Creator or VideoPack4 Either one.

-- Sean (sean@magnuminvestments.com), June 07, 1999.

you have to burn the movie in one single track. Otherwise the playre thinks that ff and rr mean to swithc tracks of the discs.

-- The Lone Ranger (rutger_s@hotmail.com), June 07, 1999.

I've done some tests on a VCD with only 1 video track, but it still behaves the same. The disk has 2 tracks though, one with the video data and one with the CDI aps and stuff, but i thought it was meant to. Am I missing something?

In fact I've made quite a few cds with 1 video track, to test different encoders, parameters, burning apps, etc.

-- Sean (sean@magnuminvestments.com), June 08, 1999.

To better assist you. Please give me the specs of your DVD player. This should help me to alleviate some of these problems. Please note: U.S. RCA(all models) and Toshiba(manufactured before May 1999) DVD players manufactured before May 1999 and many DivX players are incompatible with Video CD functions, CD-I functions, and CD-R and CD- RW burned movies.

-- the Lone Ranger (rutger_s@hotmail.com), June 08, 1999.

It is a Philips DVD825. It plays CD-R and CDRW media just fine. It plays commercially produced Video-CDs and Burned copies of them.

It plays my homemade VideoCDs as well, but some functions don't work.

-- Sean (sean@magnuminvestments.com), June 08, 1999.

Are you sure that the disc does contain only Music01.Dat or AvSeq01.dat only? If you see more *.dat files then you have burned more than one track. The *.dat file should be in MPEGAV. Do these functions work with commercial VCDs?

-- the Lone Ranger (rutger_s@hotmail.com), June 08, 1999.

These features do work on comercial VCDs.

There is only one .dat file, but I'll have to double check the name later. Does the name matter? Neither of the burning apps I have seem to give you an option.

-- Sean (sean@magnuminvestments.com), June 08, 1999.

The names are interchangable and do the same thing. I took a VCD (burned copy) to a store and tested your brand. I also tested another one. The Philips player does fast foward and rewind on burned VCDS. i suspect that the program you are using is causing a copy problem.

-- the Lone Ranger (rutger_s@hotmail.com), June 08, 1999.

Thanks for taking the time to do that.

It must be either my encoder or my burning app. most likely the burning app.

I have tried encoding captured AVI's with various encoders, including Xing and Ligos, as well as Mpeg-1 captures with Dazzle DVC hardware.

I have then burned these with VCD creator from adaptec and videopack4 with the same results. Although I have learned that AVI's captured then encoded with Xing have the best video quality of any combination I have tried.

I'll re-read all the docs (again) and see if I missed something.

What process and hardware/software do you use to author VCDs? What other authoring packages should I try? Any advice on using the ones I have?

Thanks again.

-- Sean (sean@magnuminvestments.com), June 08, 1999.

Contary to belief, the Snazzi baord that I use makes excellent VCDs (albeit they do not work in a some VCD only players but do work in all DVD). Snazzi has all the connectors on the back and captures hardware MPEG1 video.

-- the Lone Ranger (rutger_s@hotmail.com), June 08, 1999.

Well, I've read all the docs again, but still haven't got a clue. As a workaround, I guess I could build a scene index menu. It's better then being forced to watch everything from the beginning every time. The Dazzle DVC hardware encoder gives about the same quality as the ligos software encoder. On clean source video the output is great. But if there is a little niose (static) the output is a bit blocky. The Xing encoder seems to handle noise better.

What burning software do you use?

-- Sean (sean@magnuminvestments.com), June 09, 1999.

I use Easy CD Creator Deluxe 3.5 just as you. My initial thought is that maybe your Cd-R mediaiscausing the problem. I know for a fact that certain gold VCDs and DVDs cause JVC, Samsung, and certain RCA players to also choke. Try some silver on silver media, available at www.cd-recordable.com, and see if that fixes the problem.

-- The Lone Ranger (rutger_s@hotmail.com), June 09, 1999.

Another victom of the 825! After 8 months of trying every different piece of software on earth on every different media, I finally bought a Pioneer 525. It plays everything I throw at it, with all remote features. (ie. FF, REW, SLO...).

Phillips is aware of the firmware problem, but it is not software upgradable. I sold my 825 to a friend who has no clue what a VCD is.

Go get the 525, and stop taking all those asprins! LOL

Walt :0)

-- (waltmid@hotmail.com), February 07, 2000.

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