Thinking about the Fuji MX-2700 - Any Ideas? : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I am considering a Fuji MX-2700 to replace a Sony Mavica that I now own. I'm looking for something smaller and easier to carry to all the kid's activities. Any responses will be appreciated!!


-- Marcia (, June 05, 1999


The major thing missing from that is an optical zoom. Quality goes down the tubes when you use digital zoom. If you need small size ,2 megapixels, and won't use zoom, it is a good choice. If you don't need 2 megapixels maybe canon A-50 would be better, also super small camera.

-- benoit (, June 06, 1999.

Oh yeah, if you decide you do want zoom and 2megapix maybe oly 2000 would be a good choice. It also is pretty darn compact.

-- benoit (, June 06, 1999.

I got the Mx2700 & C2000Z on the same day. I've been waiting for the C2000Z for so long that I cancelled my backorder and ordered the Fuji MX2700 from another place. Ha, both of them came same morning. Here is my opinion about these 2 cameras. Mx2700, love at first sight because of it size and appearance. However, after trying, the image quality is not as good as C2000 even its suppose to have higher pixels. Besides, no zoom is a major drawback. I still like this camera and will just keep it handy in my pocket book. C2000Z, such an impressive camera. I was suppose to return it but I cannot. Its too good a camera to return. The size is not as compact as MX2700 but its small enough for a small person like me with small fingers. I won't have problem pressing the wrong buttons like a 6 foot guy with big fingers. Image quality is excellent! The only thing is the storage of image by smartmedia. Even 32 mb is not enough. Just hope that the 1 Gig smartmedia can be here ASAP! Amy Lee

-- Amy Lee (, June 08, 1999.

Since I just finished playing with the MX-2700, thought I'd put in my $0.02. (As if the 15 pages or so I already put up on the site isn't enough! ;-)

Small & easy to carry is definitely where the MX-2700's at! It even has a slick little automatic lens cover that snaps closed to protect the lens when you turn it off. - Great to just drop in the purse or pocket any time. Image quality is pretty darn good, maybe not quite to the Oly C2000 level, but then the price is a fair bit lower too. The one big thing that's be missing for me is an optical zoom lens. (Tough to fit into a package that tiny though.) If your current Mavica isn't a zoom-equipped model, I predict you'd be thoroughly happy with the MX-2700: It's definitely a toss-in-the-purse, take-anywhere kind of device! - Hope this helps, good luck!

-- Dave Etchells (, June 09, 1999.

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