Need bigger lense : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread

Anyone know where I could get a reasonably priced large lense for my 8X10 - I'm looking for something in excess of 600mm - perhaps closer to a 1000mm. Thanks! I have a Toyo view.

-- Alan Martin (, June 05, 1999


Do you have enough extension bellows for your Toyo view? Otherwise you're clearly forced to go for a telephoto design. The Nikon 600, 800, and 1200 all cover 8x10. The same is true for Schneider's 800 mm. These are all very expensive lenses >$2000 from B&H. What exactly is your idea of reasonable price.

-- Carlos Co (, June 05, 1999.

The Fujinon 600 C may be a good choice. I use a Fujinon 450 C with my 4x5. The lens is small and light. Fujinon lenses can be purchased at the Fstop ( The 600 C is not a telephoto.

-- William Marderness (, June 08, 1999.

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