An Update....and a Thank : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread |
First..the update...My friend that I spoke of in my last posting is going in tomorrow for some very experimental (translation: chancey) heart surgery. We've tried to avoid the subject....or at least I all I know is if I dont hear anything in 4 days then....its not good.
Now....the Thank-You...
A big thank-you to Meg....Medea...Gobbles...and Laighe....and all the others who may have read my first post but couldnt respond. You all are the best! It's having friends like you on the 'Net that make all the bullshit I sometimes have to put up with on here worth it all. I thank each and every one of you and could hug you really tight just about now!!
Thanks again for listening everyone....and keep those jokes and smiles coming....I may be needing them.....
-- SunflowerGirl1 (, June 03, 1999
-- gobbles (, June 04, 1999.
you're welcome SFG...sure hope all goes well for your friend. will keep you both in my prayers. wishing you the best. ~Me
-- Medea.. (, June 05, 1999.
You know I'lll be thinking of you and your friend too Sunflower. I hope the surgery is a success.
-- Laighe of the Limberlost (, June 07, 1999.
I just looked at the dare of your original post and realized that the surgery date has already passed. I hope you hear some good news soon.
-- Laighe of the Limberlost (, June 07, 1999.