Check to see if your gadget still work after 2000 at this site. : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

The web site is at

-- Bubba (, June 03, 1999



My daughter has shoes that light up when she walks. A small computer chip operates a sensor inside the sole. Do you think they could help me with that?

-- R. Wright (, June 04, 1999.

R. Wright (wrong),

My granddaughter also has shoes that light up when she walks. Maybe they could help me too. Ya' think?

Meanwhile, think I'll make some sensible preparations just in case. Do you also invest your time poking fun at people who wear seat belts, buy insurance, get innoculations, drive defensively or teach their kids to look both ways before crossing the street?

I don't think those shoes will flash if the child becomes stone cold dead. When it's -20 F. next January, I don't plan to take chances on whether she'll have water, heat, or food by depending on pollyanna predictions. I take responsibility for those that depend on me. If nothing severe happens, no one will be more thankful than I.

If DGIs and DWGIs need to laugh and mock those like me that are taking precautions, let them. I've seen enough years to know their useless noise will soon fade away.

Carry on my wayward friend...

-- Getting Ready (, June 04, 1999.

All you stupid people sheep for the slaughter. When will you ever learn? I am smarter than all of you put togather. How do you like that?

-- R. Wright (, June 06, 1999.

Bubba, that's a handy site. Thanks!

-- mb (, June 06, 1999.

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