Where to find ActiveMovie ?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread


Does anyone know where to get Microsoft ActiveMovie? I could not find it on Microsoft's website.


-- H Mai (hmai@yahoo.com), June 02, 1999


ActiveMovie is gone. It is outdated and crappy. You have to download Windows Media Player 6.1 to view VCDs now.

-- The Lone Ranger (rutger_s@hotmail.com), June 02, 1999.

Thank for the info. I downloaded Media Player 6.1. How do I play the VideoCD? I could not find a place where opening a CD is allowed. The help screen does not contain VideoCD or VCD keywords either.

-- H Mai (hmai@yahoo.com), June 02, 1999.

On all of my VCDs I just find the *.dat file and play that. At Files of type: select (*.*) All Files ... or something like that... and it shows all file types, including dat.

-- Joey A (sbx@japan.crosswinds.net), June 03, 1999.

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