Sandisk Compact Flash : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I am looking to buy a new compact flash card for my Canon A5 zoom. I noticed at that there are two different 48mb cards with different prices:

mfg part# SDCFB-48-299 for $123 and mfg part# SDCFB-48-144 for $97

Anyone know what the difference is? Is the more expensive card faster? Is it worth the extra $26?

Thanks, Bob PS - anyone know of a website for Canon Powershot users?

-- Bob Chew (, June 02, 1999


You can try at

I don't know the difference between them but I bought 2 mfg part# SDCFB-48-144 for $119 a month ago and I have used them since them. They work great.

-- Tuan Cao (, June 02, 1999.

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