can i come back to play if i promise to be nice? : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread |
I'll be making me grand appearance soon under another name, looking forward to gracing you with my presence! Try not to think so harshly of my mood swings as of late.... ha ha lets just say it was an imposter. I know how you all adore me i'd never treat you in such a manner as that.
-- Zen (, June 01, 1999
I always adore your mood swings they remind me so much of my own, *grin* but being nice??? ewwwwwwwwwww, no fun in that is there?
-- gyps (, June 02, 1999.
I don't even know who you are so it sure doesn't bother me any.Just keep the deaths to a minimum okay! After all someone is always left to clean up the mess.
-- Venus. (, June 02, 1999.
Hey Ivy Girl, Checked out your page...very cute hun.I voted of course. Hope it helped some. See ya soon for some more fetish discussions *grin*
-- Venus. (, June 02, 1999.
War many damn names do you have these days??? I sure can't keep up *smile*Glad to hear that you're doing well. Talk to you soon, Venus
-- Venus. (, June 02, 1999.
hmmm.... I think those last replies are misplaced.
-- Zen (, June 02, 1999.
Zen get a bloody clue. You're not wanted here.
-- shouldn't say (, June 05, 1999. the last person who responded...and is too chicken shit to give their name.... You aren't wanted here. Zen honey... you know your always welcome here.hugs!
-- Shel (, June 11, 1999.
Man oh man... Where's fatuous when you need him? as far as i can see there are no barred doors on Exile. We all need to lighten up yes?
-- Laighe of the Limberlost (, June 12, 1999.
-- Shels (, June 12, 1999.
Zen, doll, I dont care if you promise or not, you cant deny the real you..= ) haha, Anyhow, Were you even banned? I've been gone too long.... Hugs & Stuff...
-- Bugg (, July 21, 1999.