where to find TAKE THAT on vcd?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
hello, would be very grateful if anyone could give advice on where i can find music videocds for the group TAKE THAT...the main title im looking for and cant find is called TAKE THAT-LIVE IN MANCHESTER G-MEX been looking for this for over a year now also NOBODY ELSE-THE MOVIE.....have bought music vcds from www.cdmovies.com and www.sasavcd.com but havnt found this title yet....if you can help it would be great!
-- simon britton (chemicalblue@webtv.net), May 31, 1999
Videocds.com has a new Music section follow this URL you will find what you are looking for !http://www.videocds.com/music/take_that_hometown_live_at_manchester.ht m
-- Alain Gabreau (agabreau@hotmail.com), June 11, 1999.