It's empty! : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread |
14,726 people in vp, and it's just one lonely mug in exile. And I don't mean a coffee mug.
-- llew (, May 31, 1999
Oh gee! Did everyone go to the movies? Hope I see you there in a few minutes, llew.
-- Laighe of the Limberlost (, May 31, 1999.
Arrghhhhh...I hate my time zone. Anyone got a better suggestion for where I can live?!?!? Its always empty these days when I'm on too. Hmm...amusing myself just isn't nearly as exciting as it used to be *smile* Where is everyone? Hardly anyone is even using the board anymore. I know its summer over there but you guys were like this in winter too. Is everyone on permanet hibernation mode??Sorry for the rant.. Hope to see some people soon, Venus
-- Venus. (, June 02, 1999.