how many drops of bleach per 2 litre bottle? : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

some say 2,some say much is too much?will the chlorine evaporate?what else will the bleach leave behind?should I filter before or after?thanks,happy doomers!

-- zoobie (, May 31, 1999

Answers used to have an excellent emergency preparedness manual at their site. This info is from there: 2 drops of common household laundry bleach per quart of clean water 4 drops of bleach per quart of cloudy water

Tincture of iodine 3 drops per quart of clean water 6 drops for cloudy water

They also have recommendations for cleaning the containers, etc. This is an address from October for this site:

-- flora (***.__@_._), May 31, 1999.

Two percent Tincture of Iodine

To use this add 12 drops per gallon of water. Iodine tablets work better than bleach or halazone tablets for certain intestinal parasites, and they have a shelf life of three to five years while halazone tablets have a shelf life of only two years. Water treated with iodine can have any objectionable taste removed by treating the water with vitamin C (ascorbic acid), but it must beaded after the water has stood for the correct treatment time.Flavored beverages containing vitamin C will accomplish the same thing.

Chlorine Bleach

In an emergency, think of one gallon of Regular Clorox Bleach as 3,800 gallons of drinking water. This should contain a 5.25% solution of sodium hypochlorite without soap additives or phosphates. First let water stand until particles settle. The unsettled water can be poured through a cloth or coffee filter for speedier processing. Pour the clear water into an uncontaminated container. Use 1/8 teaspoon (about 8 drops) per gallon of water. Wait 30 min. Water should have a slight bleach odor. If not, repeat dose. For storing water in 55 gallon drums, use 50ml or a scant 1/4 cup chlorine. In lieu of steaming hot water, sanitize dishes with a little Clorox Bleach. Just follow the directions below to keep dishes clean. Dry chlorine, also called calcium hypochlorite has the added benefit of extended shelf life. Providing it is kept dry, cool and in an airtight container, it may be stored up to 10 years with minimal degradation. If one is wanting to keep chlorine in larger quantities, this is the item to store.

How to make Chlorine Bleach from Calcium Hypochlorite (dry pool chlorine - "shock treatment"):

Dry chlorine, also called calcium hypochlorite has the added benefit of extended shelf life. Providing it is kept dry, cool and in an airtight container, it may be stored up to 10 years with minimal degradation. If one is wanting to keep chlorine in larger quantities, this is the item to store. It must be ONLY 65% calcium hypochlorite, no addtional anti-fungals or clarifiers. In an EXTREMELY well ventilated area, (Hint: OUTSIDE!) add 24.5 grams (about 10 Tablespoons) of powder to one gallon of water for a 5.25% solution. Five pounds of dry pool bleach costs about $10-15, which will make about 92 gallons of bleach, which will sterilize 706,560 gallons of clear water, or 353,280 gallons of cloudy water. If you allocate 3 gallons per person per day for drinking, food preparation, and sanitation, $15 will take care of 100 people for one year.

One of the things that affects the taste of water is it "going flat". This occurs because of the oxidation that takes place as it sits. You can improve the taste by pouring the water back and fourth between containers to aerate it or by beating it with a hand egg beater. You also may want to store some flavorings such as fruit drink powders, kool-aid, etc. to add to your water if you find the taste objectionable.

-- Bingo1 (, May 31, 1999.

The figure I have seen quoted most often and which I have used in my own preps is 8 drops per gallon.

To convert liters to gallons (US liquid) multiply by 0.26417, so

(2 liters ) x 0.26417 = 0.52834 gallons (US liquid)

This means roughly 4 drops per 2 liter bottle would be the equivalent dosage.

Chlorine is an extreme active element. However, once it has attached itself to all it can within the water (i.e. the adulterants), it will not evaporate from a sealed container. The bleach can evaporate easily from an unsealed container - that's why some folks prefer to pour a cup of chlorinated water and let it sit for a while before drinking it.

The differences in dosages that I've seen appear to relate to whether the water will be stored for a long period or consumed almost immediately. I see the higher doses (12 drops /gal) recommended for such immediate usage.

I've seen lower dosages (4 drops / gal) recommended when you are storing water that has already been chlorinated to some degree - i.e. a typical public water supply.

We have used water that we've stored for 6 months at the 8 drops / gal ratio. (We are not connected to a city water supply). There is a mild chlorine taste. The taste quickly evaporate upon boiling however.

-- Arnie Rimmer (, May 31, 1999.

According to the Red Cross:

"If your local water is treated commercially by a water treatment utility, you do not have to treat the water before storing it. Treating commercially-treated water with bleach is superfluous and not necessary. Doing so does not increase storage life. It is important to change and replace stored water every six months or more frequently."

otherwise--also according to the Red Cross:

"1. Filter the water using a piece of cloth or coffee filter to remove solid particles.

2. Bring it to a rolling boil for aboout one full minute.

3. Let it cool at least 30 minutes. Water must be cool or the chlorine treatment described below will be useless.

4. Add 16 drops of liquid chlorine bleach per gallon of water, or 8 drops per 2-liter bottle of water. Stir to mix. 5.25% sodium hypochlorite should be the only active ingredient in the bleach. There should not be any added soap or fragrances.

5. Let stand 30 minutes.

6. If it smells of chloriine. You can use it. If it does not smell of chlorine, add 16 more drops of chlorine bleach per gallon of water (or 8 drops per 2-liter bottle of water), let stand 30 minutes, and smell it again. It if smells of chlorine, you can use it. If it does not smell of chlorine, discard it and find another source of water.


1. The only agent to use to treat water should be liquid household bleach. Other chemicals, such as iodine or products sold in camping or surplus stores for water treatment that do not contain 5.25% hypochlorite as the only active ingredient, are not recommended and should not be used.

2. The only accepted measurement of chlorine (or water treatment agents) is the drop. A dropis specifically measurable. Other measures such as "capful" or "scant teaspoon" are not uniformly measurable, and are not to be used.

3. There is no difference between treatment of potentially contaminated water that is cloudy or clear."

This is from a March 1999 handout from our local Red Cross.

You can let the water sit out overnight for the chlorine to evaporate out. You can poor the stale water from container to container to re-oxygenate it (remove the stale taste).

-- Kay (, May 31, 1999.


-- zoobie (, May 31, 1999.

Thanks Bingo for posting that. I lost my link to like info about pool chlorine and you provided the info.

-- Johnny (JLJTM@BELLSOUTH.NET), June 01, 1999.

Hey Johnny, that's one of the gadzillion reasons this forum is so good. I've received far, far more than I've given. Thanks for the thanks.

Peace to All,

-- Bingo1 (, June 01, 1999.

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