Kodak DC210 Plus problem with flash pictures

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

Hi, I just bought the 'DC210 Plus Zoom' about two weeks ago. Mostly the camera works okay, but I've been getting bad pictures when using flash indoors at night. Often, the pictures have opaque 'bubbles' of various sizes in them. This completely ruins the pictures and I can't do anything about it. I think this happens when the flash goes off and some of the light from the flash is reflected straight back to the camera by a window or some other object, but I'm not sure. Is anyone else having this problem? And is there a solution, or could there be something wrong with the camera? I really would appreciate any advice.

(Also, is there an email address for Kodak tech support?)

-- J Kim (jk64@cornell.edu), May 30, 1999


Hi- J Kim I have a DC260 and have not had any problems with the flash. Try putting a white cloth over the flash when you take the photograph (this will reduce the flash output,just make sure you are not covering the lens.) Also, shoot some shots where there are no windows in the background and check to see if the problem is still there, this may indicate where the problem lies. The web site is WWW.Kodak.com--- Good Luck

-- Terry Comeau (yrret2ski@aol.com), July 07, 1999.

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