Huet, Capa, : LUSENET : Dirck Halstead : One Thread |
Hi there I am doing a project on the three photographers and can't seem to find what they did during the years 60 - 71, can some anyone throw some light on where I can get the information? I have gone through Requiem, a few of books on Robert Capa and Larry Burrows but other than that nothings elses seems to have the information. This goes for Henri Huet as as well. Any one out in cyberspace who can shed some light on it would be deeply appreciated.The book Requiem is one of the best I have seen so far.
-- Kenneth Seah (, May 30, 1999
Capa died in 1957.
-- q q (, October 06, 1999.
Huet died in 1971. Lokk on the front page of the December issue of Digital Journalist under Breaking New.
-- Paul Disney (, November 25, 1999.
Burrows also died in 71.
-- Miguel Madeira (, January 11, 2000.
Robert Capa died on 25 May 1954---Not in 1957 as noted on your page.
-- T. Mike Fletcher (, August 10, 2000.