Heaven is coming!!!!greenspun.com : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread |
Salutations my fellow Exilers!I thought I'd drop in and let everyone know that I'll be out of comission from the ICQ and Email front for about a week and a half. On June 2nd, Chip is coming to visit and I know I will want to be with her than on this machine!!! *grin*
For those of you interested, I'll have some scans done of pictures while she's here (if I can get a hold of a scanner *giggles*) and tell you some of the time we shared. Though I promise the details will be left out so that all of you can still have somewhat of a positive opinion of me. *evil snicker*
Everyone take care while I'm gone!!! VP is being a pain and won't let me into Exile, so I'm using the message board for a means of communication *grin*
I'll be *giggling* around later!
Your friend, Drizzt of Exile
-- Drizzt of Exile (Silverblue_Eyes@hotmail.com), May 30, 1999
I'm glad you're keeping us posted. I wish Vplaces was more accomodating to your computer though. I miss seeing you levitate around the room... : ) Give chip a hug for me please? I know you won't mind giving her a few extra ones! Take care.
-- Laighe of the Limberlost (laighe@excite.com), May 30, 1999.