When was the Kodak Brownie Flash 2 first brought out.

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I need to know when the Kodak Browine Flash 2 was first brought out for a school assignment. It would be helpful if you could reply by 14/6/99 it would be a great help. Thanks.

-- Amanda Vivian (avivian@hotmail.com), May 28, 1999


Hi Amanda: Well - There is information I can give you about a Kodak Brownie Flash 20, and information I can give you about a Brownie 2 - however both are from quite different eras of photography. Oh heck - I love the history of Photography so I'll rattle on about both!
1. The Kodak Flash 20

Introduced in 1959 the Flash 20 accepted 620 film and sold for 14 dollars.
Kodak stopped selling the unit in 1962.
In 1955 Kodak also introduced the Kodak Flashmite 20 Camera and sold it for about 15 dollars. This unit lasted until 1965.
Here is a great link to the Kodak Web Site that lists all of their cameras
Kodak Camera History

2. The Kodak Brownie 2

This camera was actually an aniversary camera made to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Eastman Kodak Company. Approximately 400- thousand were given away to children 12 years old in 1930, covered with a tan colored reptile-grained paper covering with a gold-colored foil seal on the upper rear corner of the right side.

Amanda - here's another link, and from this link you can zip around and find all kinds of historical information about Kodak. Good Luck!
Kodak History

I hope this helps...
Dan Desjardins

-- Dan Desjardins (dan.desjardins@avstarnews.com), May 28, 1999.

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