: LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread |
Hey everyone, I've been back for a little while, but I dont know if I have been able to say hi to everyone. So here it is, my humble hello. Glad to be back with familiar faces! Oh, WHISPA! You are the only person left to add to my ICQ! I miss ya muchers! Havent talked to you in ages!Anyhow, huggles and snuggles from you dearest friend Ivy!
-- Poisoned Ivy (, May 28, 1999
Hi Ivy....God I've missed talking to you too. I was out of commssion due to the MSIE5 and then I didn't bother checking to see if I could get into vp for a while, but I did. Tonight is second time I'm back and checking Exile. No one here again "-( I was in San Francisco for a few days. It's beautiful there. I still have you on my ICQ list. I guess your number has changed. Lemme know. Miss ya, hugs, Whispa
-- Whispa (, May 30, 1999.
Sorry I missed you Whispa! I'm being lazy today and will be back tonight but then it'll be tomorrow for you with the time difference right? Dang... Hope I catch you in Vplaces tomorrow. I'll get up earlier and see if you're still online. : )
-- Laighe of the Limberlost (, May 30, 1999.