tfletch's Daily Y2k Report & Preparedness Finds (5/26/99) : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

For anyone who is interested . . . tfletch's Y2k Preparedness Finds: tfletch's Daily Y2k Report:

Today's Stories 5-26-99 Y2k ( Year 2000 , Millenium Bug ) News Report

A Curious Shift in Y2K Compliance City shuns Y2K group's call to suspend ban on livestock Experts fear global Y2K problems for electrical power and other services Fayetteville alderman wants allocation to distribute Y2K fliers FDA says Y2K readiness for hundreds of medical devices unknown Findlandization and Y2K Finnish Y2K preparations need stepping up - report Govt. encourages Y2K town meetings Happy 2000. Do you have cash Japanese lagging on Y2K called global issue Media Specialist Blows the Whistle on Koskinen - READ THIS ONE Millennium danger at one in 10 hospitals Policing the millennium Press On Testimony of Ed Yourdon to Senate The Chemical Fallout of Y2K UK police, hospitals and banks still at Y2K risk Wall Street's Y2K plan - cut assets, close early and check overseas Y2K Computer Viruses Y2K Progress - Reality Check

-- Tracy Fletcher (, May 26, 1999


Damn...Can't you use commas????????/

-- Taz (Tassie, May 26, 1999.

Oops! Sorry. The headlines are actually URL names pasted in from a directory that I use to update my web page. I haven't figured out yet how to get it to format right. I've tried adding carriage returns, but then I get a space between each line. Usually I put a 'XXX' after each headline. Would commas be easier to look at? Does anyone know how I could get the format to work right?

Thanks for the note Taz.


-- Tracy Fletcher (, May 26, 1999.

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