minox 35 GTgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Minox Photography : One Thread |
I bought a used (very good condition -9) Minox GT 35 with case. I could not find any info can anybody help. By the way it has color(!)-minotar lens.Many thanks
-- nadir olgacay (nolgacay@superonline.com), May 26, 1999
nadir, Minox GT is the first GT series, first appeared in 1981. It has the same body shape as Minox GT-E, with subtle difference, for instance, GT-E has a Minoxar lens close focus to 70 cm, GT a Minotar lens, close focus to 90 cm. Mode of operation is quiet similar to GT-E It needs a battery to operate, see "Battery" section about 35mm camera battery.
- Pull open the front cover, load battery into battery chamber at front of camera
- Open the camera by a switch at the bottom, slide down and remove the whole camera back
- load film: pull out film lead and insert the lead to engage the take up spool , wind film with two stroke to check the film is moving
Close the camera, restore the lock at bottom
Set film speed by turning the thumbwheel at bottom to match the ASA/DIN number of film
- wind the film with two strokes. camera is ready for use
Minox is a scale focusing camera, it is easy to estimate distance
-- martin tai (martin.tai@capcanada.com), May 26, 1999.
I don't think the GT is the first "G" Minox, I used to own a 35GL, which was older... But don't worry, the 35 GT is a great camera, despite its fragility...Emmanuel http://perso.wanadoo.fr/jean.jean
-- Emmanuel Renaud (emmanuel.renaud@wanadoo.fr), May 28, 1999.
What fragility ?I have carried my 35GT in a trouser pocket all over Asia and Australia, not mention Europe on and off for the last 4 years and never had any problem with it.
By the way, its not in its brown leather case either.
-- Simon Phillips (fotografm@hotmail.com), August 03, 1999.
I love my Minox 35 GT! I have taken some amazing pictures with it and have never had any problems with it either. It is a really nice camera
-- Catherine Wadsworth (www.johnlwadsworth@home.com), December 06, 2000.