Hmmmm Hello? : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread |
Greetings!!!! I just happened to fly over head in a Huey and just had stop in and say hello to all my friends in the Exile!!!!!! Just to let everyone know. I did go to Kosovo for a brief stint but all is well. Heck! I even upped for another 4 more glorious years!!!! Hmm lets see. *begins to count of hands err paws then removes boots, and counts on toes...* That would make me 14yrs and going. hehehe 6 more and its retirement city!!! HAHAHAHSee you all soon
-- Wardog00 aka Baron war Von Lupines (, May 24, 1999
WAR! whoa I was suprised to see this message here from you...I for sure thought you had fallen offa the face of the earth! It's great to hear that you are alive afterall!..hehe Well I just wanted to say Hi to ya..and I hope to see you soon.PS. duct tape fixes all
-- Megiano (, May 25, 1999.
HI War!!!! Wow! Another four and then 6... You are a Wardog!! It's go good to hear from you and to know that you're "A OK" When are you coming in for a good blabfest? See you soon I hope! : )
-- Laighe of the Limberlost (, May 26, 1999.