Where can I find and buy Fourteen Weddings and a Divorce, Odyssy Videogreenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
I am searching for the CD-Rom Fourteen Weddings and A Divorce by Odyssey Video. I have tried many ways to secure info on this I would like to buy it. Managing director at one time was Adrian MunseyJoanne Palmer
-- Joanne Palmer (joanne@degarmo-kelleher.com), May 24, 1999
Adrian IS Odyssey Video. But as for you question I think Electronics Boutique in the UK was the only store.
-- Justin (justinhj@hotmail.com), May 01, 2001.
Sadly the CD-ROM is deleted by VCI, the distributor.You can call Odyssey on 020 7704 6355.
We might be able to make a copy.
I would very much like to hear from anybody who worked on the programme with us.
Regards Adrian Munsey
-- Adrian Munsey (Adrian_Munsey@msn.com), January 01, 2002.
And could anyone help me with a copy of the music 'c'est sheep' by Adrian Munsey. I have alreaddy one of Sparks but there is a betterone heard on the TVmany thanks
-- verhaeghe mattijs (verhaeghemattijs@hotmail.com), November 08, 2002.