VideoCD Player Software for PC? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
Hello there,i am wondering if there is a good software player for VCDs. I have PowerVCD but it only works in 256 colors on my PC 4 some stupid reason. I need a player which also plays inter- active VCDs. Thanks! :)
-- Tomy Baldrin (, May 23, 1999
Try downloading XingMpeg player. Go to Yahoo and search for the keyword "XingMpeg" and download the latest version.
-- Michael Stevens (, May 23, 1999.
Try this player works awesome. plays dvd and vcd interative.
-- Seaner (, May 24, 1999.
I want to install VCD player to my PC
-- deri (, June 02, 1999.
-- tony santagata (, February 15, 2001.
I just need the VideoCD Player Software for PC to be installed in my computer. Thanks
-- Prach Chan Sokha (, July 04, 2001.
i am happy with using this software
-- manoj sharma (, January 19, 2002.
I want to update my VDC player program
-- Dany Heang (, February 24, 2002.
-- Jiri Vaculik (, May 08, 2003.