Beware of buying VCD's from Hong Kong & Malaysia ! : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
I have purchased, on several occasions, video cd movies from both Hong Kong and Malaysian sites and have been ripped off by them. I am still in the mids of trying to get my money back from some of the sites but it is sure hell. Yes !! video cd's are sure cheap in Hong Kong. In fact, it is dirt cheap ! but NOW !! I rather pay a little more for a movie from a site that is reliable than to be cheap and in the end, lose more money.Michael.
-- Michael Steves (, May 22, 1999
The below are selling orginal Video CD 1. 2. 3. www.cdmovies.comThese site never sell those recently release on cinema.
1. Pirated site sell those Video CD that are recently release on cinema (eg. Star War 1, The matrix, The Mummy, Entrapment etc.) 2. Pirated site sell those Video CD that distributor does not have it on Video CD.
There are a lot of malaysian, Hongkong and Indonesian sites sell pirated. So you have to becareful
-- Vman (, May 22, 1999.