Lanza: FEMA Issues Draft Y2K Annex to Federal Response Plan : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

From Chuck Lanza:
In spite of FEMA's disturbing public announcement that "Y2K will be like a winter storm," they have completed a thorough analysis and are developing a comprehensive response plan. In fact, the document is striking in its divergence from their public pronouncements. The following is from the introduction:


-- Critt Jarvis (, May 21, 1999


Well, well, well . . . it appears that FEMA's universe MAY not be perfectly parallel to what we consider the real world (that place where people live, die, get cold, seek shelter, eat,drink). We'll stay tuned.

Query: Could the May 25 Senate hearing on preparedness result in acknowledgment of a plausible threat allowing Congress and the Administration to break from the bondage of Wall Street and nudge FEMA back to the real world? (One where we might need to make more extensive preparations than I did as a twelve year old Boy Scout on a weekend camping trip?)

-- Puddintame (, May 21, 1999.

Hummm, Critt.

There's a nice little gut-punch to kick off next weeks events.

Wonder if the news media will pay attention?

Wonder if we can HELP them?


-- Diane J. Squire (, May 21, 1999.

Nah, don't think so, Diane. The media/government is way too busy trying to disarm us to pay much attention to Y2K at this time.

-- . (.@...), May 22, 1999.


Yes, the news media will catch it.


Because enough of us in different parts of the country have made in- roads into middle ground with our local news media.

If you get the Wilmington Star News (North Carolina), stay tuned for the Memorial Day weekend edition. A "middle ground" perspective is to be published.

Gotta go to my day job now...


-- Critt Jarvis (, May 22, 1999.

What I can't understand is that the link below seems to be quite alarming. Fema has released a pretty Y2K aware document. Now this is not for the public but it is in the public domain.

 FEMA: Contingency and Consequence Management Planning for Year 2000 Conversion

Why Should I Be Concerned about the Year 2000 Problem?

The computerized systems that may fail as a result of the bug
could have an impact on your community  the same kind of
impact as a natural or man-made disaster. For example, if
electrical systems fail, people may need shelter, food, water,
information, transportation assistance, financial help, etc.
Progress is being made daily to minimize the public safety and
health impacts of potential Y2K disruptions. The all-hazards
practices and techniques you routinely use for other disasters
and emergencies should well ser ve our nation in planning for
the potential consequences of Y2K conversion.

As an emergency manager, you need to understand the
problem, be prepared, and be ready to provide help. You need
to protect systems within your own organization, so it remains
operational. Also, you should promote action on the Y2K issue
in your communities. Include action by all of your communities
critical ser vice providers.

Seems to be pretty strong words, and the whole document is like that.

It is a pdf file though. Critt if you want to get into FEMAs "mind" this is a must read. By the way good Luck!

-- Brian (, May 22, 1999.


There are lots of truly great gems over at FEMA's site.

Ya just gotta hang out there awhile and dig 'em up!


-- Diane J. Squire (, May 22, 1999.

Critt, Old Git asked me to get in touch with her by contacting you. I don't know how that works, for I'm practically computer illiterate. But give her my real email address if that's how it works, please.

-- gilda (, May 23, 1999.

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