VIDEOCDS.COM Inquiry : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I was wondering if anyone could please kindly inform me of if the video compact disc titles that are purchasable from the following web site address are original and copyrighted video compact disc titles:

I want to purchase a Robocop 3 video compact disc but I noticed that on the video compact disc cover, the distributor is Columbia/TriStar home video but I know that the distributor is Orion Pictures Corporation and I do not want to purchase it if it is not an original and copyrighted video compact disc.

Anyones kind assistance in this matter is greatly appreciated by me.

-- Anony-Mous (, May 20, 1999


Like I have said before. Many companies do not distribute thier own movies. MGM uses Warner Bros. Home Video for all of thier movies(US, European, and Asian). Paramount uses Twentieth Century Fox or Touchstone Home Video for VHS and VCD(sometimes in Malaysia, Speedy Video does the distribution for Paramount or in Hong Kong Universe Laser). As a matter of fact Warner Bros. Home Video Distribution won the rights to distribute Walt Disney cartoons in Europe and Asia on DVD. Take a look on the back of Region 2 discs from Beuna Vista Home Entertainment(Disney), Alice in Wonderland, Robin Hood, Mulan, etc. are all distributed by Warner Bros. Dreamworks pictures does not have a distributor for it's movies on Video CD or DVD so they are not yet available. Braveheart is distributed by Twentieth Century Fox outside of the US. Titanic, is a Twentieth Century Fox release outside of America, and a Paramount release in America. Starship Troopers is Columbia Tri-Star and Touchstone Home Video's. Basically it does not matter who distributes the disc. The easiest way to spot a fake is when IT DOES NOT HAVE A DISTRIBUTOR ON THE BACK OR FRONT!!! In Thailand it is harder since some distributors do not put their name on the front. ALL MOVIES FROM WWW.VIDEOCDS.COM ARE ORIGINAL, THEY HAVE REPLACED ALL ORDERS FOR RUSH HOUR WITH A NEW COPY DISTRIBUTED BY SOMEONE ELSE. Remember that I said if you really love a movie or want it you have to put up with the pirates(NOT IN THIS CASE) or just go to DVD. Let me reiterate my first point...NOT EVERYONE DISTRIBUTES THIER OWN MOVIES. THE FIRST VIDEO CDS IN AMERICA FOR PHILIP'S CD-I WERE DISTRIBUTED BY PHILIPS WHO GOT THE LICENSES FROM PARAMOUNT AND ORION. It depends on who bids the highest for distribution rights. Although it looks like Warner Bros. releases the films for themselves and MGM, if you look closely on the back they let Movie Magic Sdn. Bhd. do VCDs for them in Malaysia. All Touchstone movies, cartoonor otherwise, are distributed by Berjaya HVN Sdn Bhd. but with a Disney hologram in Malaysia. You get it now? BTW Orion Pictures no longer distributes thier own stuff(including Theater films) someone else, I can not remember who took over for them but left the Orion Logo since it is thier picture. If you have not ordered from them yet, go ahead and purchase the film, if you do not like it tell them and they will send you a new copy or a different movie.

-- Will Shakes (, May 20, 1999.

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