Who would like to see a DVD/VCD classifieds Web Site?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
I would like to know how many people out here would find a DVD/VCD classifieds web site useful. Where you can buy,sell,trade used DVD and VCDs? I have already built one such site, it's for buyers and sellers of professional stunt/power kites. If you think you'd like to see such a web site respond and if it gathers enough interest I'll build one.
-- brad (brad@primoweb.com), May 18, 1999
I'd love to see a site like that. Trying to find VCD sites at all is very hard. I own two official Disney VCD releases and have been very pleased with them. I'd like to buy more!
-- nn (nospam@unknown.com), May 19, 1999.
I think that your proposed site would be very helpful for movie buffs such as myself. I am always looking for places to buy used dvd's and I always fall short. There are many auction sites but some people don't like to auction for an item. I prefer to buy a title at a set price and not have to wait for an auction to end to receive it. On a classieds/bbs type of site, you can usually find better deals and the seller is usually negotiable on the price. I hope you pursue your idea and complete it soon. Please email me with the URL upon completion or contact me if I can help in anyway. I am profecient in Frontpage and know HTML like the back of my hand. Good luck to you!
-- Dennis (dvds4all@hotmail.com), February 10, 2001.
I would be nice but you would be entering a legal minefield - promoting the sale of movies that were not intended to be sold outside the country of origin, also pirates would love to have an anon shopfront to trade from and any message board that allows trading gets weighed down with pirate ads.Any way there are already loads of similar sites running such as http://reeltrader.com
-- One who knows. (spamme@not.com), February 10, 2001.
It would be nice but you would be entering a legal minefield - promoting the sale of movies that were not intended to be sold outside the country of origin, also pirates would love to have an anon shopfront to trade from and any message board that allows trading gets weighed down with pirate ads.Any way there are already loads of similar sites running such as http://reeltrader.com
-- One who knows. (spamme@not.com), February 10, 2001.
It would be great to have a site like that. I have alot of Asian AV VCD's that I'm bored with, but throwing them away would be such a waste.
-- Michael Lee (corpenduser@yahoo.com), January 02, 2002.
I would like some info on where i could find the latest movies on vcd format at great prices. Please let me know thanks
-- frank espinosa (frank.espinosa@sbcdo.com), March 02, 2002.